Recognition and validation of competences from informal or non-formal settings is commonly understood as one of the most important challenges for educational and training sector nowadays. One of the most powerful informal learning contexts is represented by the volunteering sector, where young people of all education, cultural and social backgrounds, have the opportunity to experience different challenging situations, putting into practice their own skills and getting wide experience and new competences. Most of this new knowledge can represent an asset for volunteers in other areas of their life, as, for example, in professional career..
During the project the Family Caregiver Support Consortium will create Guidelines and a Resource Pack that aims at:

In order to reach this overall objective, the specific objectives will be:
- To implement an e-platform with an interactive database that gives access to initiatives and learning information materials that have been identified and collected in the course of the project, especially concerning successful models and best practice concepts for the validation of key competences acquired during volunteering and systems of recognition of competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning
- To elaborate a “Catalogue for Recognition of Competences Acquired Through Volunteering” which will give an overview about the current situation of the specific project environment
- in the partners’ countries, and present the initiatives, projects and materials, in English and with explanations in all languages of the partnership;
- To organise an online interactive Forum for exchange of experience and good practice that will promote networking and exchange activities on a European level.
More Information is available on the project website.