E-C-C focuses on the interdidciplinary approach at personal and vocational coaching and counselling. For more than ten years, our team of experienced and qualified counsellors, coaches and trainers has been collaborating with European social and psychological institutions, education providers, labour market organisations,and other transnational project coordinators.

We are specialised in the following themes:
- Training of social competences
- Team development & balance of competences
- Key competences
- Psychology and mental health
- Diversity & gender
- Train the trainer programmes
- European integration
- Labour market
Our know-how in design and elaboration of training and qualification measures and of European collaboration projects takes into account the respective special living and working situation of our clients and of their intercultural situaion in their countries.
Our creativity for a new and innovative appproach will has served as key factor for successful work in the Lifelong Learning Programme, and also in the ERASMUS+ Programme 2014-2020.