COOL CLASSIC CARS is a project that combines three socio-economic trends:
- Vintage cars: The passion for vintage cars or for the so-called youngtimer is widespread throughout Europe and there are currently hundreds of vehicles older than 25 years in circulation. All this constitutes a heritage that must be valued in the perspective of sustainability: Even if an old car certainly consumes more than a new car it is true that the energy cost between the two becomes similar if you calculate the energy consumption necessary for the construction of a new vehicle.
- Sustainable tourism: the way of travel is changing and ethical choices regarding the environmental impact of travel are becoming increasingly important. In this perspective, Cool Classic Cars wants to promote a type of tourism, practicable with vintage cars, which prefers lesser-known destinations exploited by mass tourism.
- The industrial cultural heritage: In view of a slow tourism and away from the most crowded destinations, The project Cool Classic Cars will analyze a series of sites that testify to the history of society and industrialization and that have become today places of cultural interest as well as art and recreation centers.
Find more information on the cool classic cars project website