Fashion Talk
Attract Participation and Increase Learning Motivation of Young Adults
Fashion plays an extremely important role in the lives of most juveniles and young adults. Peer groups create an intrinsic net of open or hidden requirements for the individual, and only persons with a high self-esteem and self-conscience dare to negate the dictate of fashion. For low income persons, the inability to equip oneself with all the “must have” very often leads to frustration and to a feeling of inferiority.
Because of the omnipresence of fashion, and the social importance connected with it, “fashion” could therefore be used in the educational sector as an ideal vehicle to convey knowledge about, and competences for the world in which we have tolive and to work. “Fashion talk” means a horizontal educational activity that combines young adults’ passion for fashion with important information about issues which help them to become conscious, socially, economically and environmentally responsible European citizens.
The partnership will organise study visits in the countries of the partnership to investigate different models and approaches. It will put together staff members and learners from different European countries with the aim to communicate and to reflect fashion aspects at their personal levels, the level of the respective peer groups and in the context of globalisation.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The Fashion Talk website is available here.
Project duration: 2010 – 2012