Intergenerational ICT Skills

The importance and benefits of intergeneraltional ICT learning
Intrapersonal Level
- The junior can experience the feeling of being useful and helpful
- The senior can experience the acquaintance of new competences
Interpersonal Level
- Primal benefits are ICT skills for the senior and life stories for the junior
- Secondary benefit is consolidation and deepening of the relationship and possible motivation for other activities
Family Level
- Members of different generations spend some efficient and creative time together
- The family history will be conserved for next generations
Society Level
- Learning from a family member composes of many emotional elements which can facilitate the learning process and be a source of additional knowledge to the facts learned at school
- This way of making and preserving stories is an important way how to retain different points of view or different interpretations of a certain historical period as a source for critical discussion and broadening of one’s perspective
Project Duration: 2008 – 2010