Marketing for Micro-Enterprises in the Handicraft Sector
The project concerns a sectoral transfer by modifying a successfully introduced self-learning concept and learning materials that were originally developed for woman farmers into self-learning course materials for micro-enterprises in the arts and handicraft sector. The partnership comprises three development partners from the development team of the previous project from Slovenia, Austria and the Czech Republic, and in order to guarantee the sustainability of this project,one additional expert partner in each of these countries, among them the Chamber of Craft of Slovenia and of the Czech Republic.

Click here for the project’s website: http://micro-craft.eu
The specific objectives are to:
- develop a structured internet based self learning programme and a toolbox for gaining marketing skills
- produce a marketing education module for manufactures of arts and crafts
- deliver, in the pilot phase, the tools to manufactures of arts and crafts and give training in their use
- re-evaluate the tools and the materials (marketing competences) in the light of the response of the pilot tests and make revisions as necessary
- publish the description of the concept, of the programme and of the tools on the multilingual project web site
- provide the concept for training seminars in marketing and communication competences for manufactures of arts and crafts
- sustain the access to marketing learning materials through a web site
Project Duration: 2012 – 2014

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”