Non-Vocational Adult Education
Main objectives of the project are:

- transfer of knowledge, exchange of experience and good practices in:
- adult education systems
- the effective ways of motivating adults for learning process
- promotion of lifelong learning among adults
- valuation criteria for assessing and improving the training system quality (adults education)
- improving the attractiveness of adult education
- developing the education / training programs for adult learners with theuse of ICT
- adjusting diretions of further education / training programs to the needs of adults
- increase of administration capacity of organizations offering the lifelong education possibilities
- professional development of administrative personnel in the field of effective organization and promotion of adult education
- professional development of adult educators, including deepening their knowledge, improving teaching skills, performing tasks and teaching methods and techniques,
- increase the active participation of adults in social life
- personal development of participants
- increase of adaptability and intercultural skills of participants
- improvement of language competences of participants
- establishment of international contacts
- activation of cooperation between organizations or institutions of adult education and training in Europe
- promotion of quality improvement and innovation of systems, institutions and practices in the field of adult education and training
- Non-Vocational adult education of seniors: e.g. courses in senior’s homes, universities of the third age (subjects of training, curricula)
- Non-vocational adult education of people at risk of social exclusion and with limited access to educational offer
- Non-vocational adult education of immigrants and refugees
- Factors determining the creation of active and long-lasting circles of hobbies / interests
More information on the project is available on the website.
Project duration: 2017 – 2018