Supporting Migrants into Entrepreneurship in Europe

Supporting migrant entrepreneurs in Europe is an effective means of improving their social and economic integration; providing them with equal opportunities to become economically self-sufficient in their host countries and therefore to create a more secure life for themselves and their families. Migrant entrepreneurs can also provide services and products to migrant communities across Europe which originate in their home countries; adding to the diversity of the European market, and providing a sense of familiarity to migrants who are far from home.
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ReEntry will upskill and improve information provision to guidance and VET professionals who work directly with migrants and refugees as career advisors and coaches.
The project team will:
- undertake a state-of-the-art research process to identify current supports for migrants and refugees;
- identify and promote best practice in supporting migrants into entrepreneurship;
- pilot an online interactive forum for networking and exchange of good practice between professionals and migrants.
Project Duration: 2017 – 2018