Many young people experience their first contact with the labour market as volunteers – be it in the voluntary youth fire brigade, in non-profit associations, in their church community or elsewhere. They do charitable work, support where they are needed, bring in skills they already possess, gain valuable experiences and possibly also discover new passions. The impressions and experiences they gain during their time as volunteers will enrich and possibly shape their entire lives… However, there is something else very crucial that volunteers often do not receive: sufficient certification. That is where this project comes in!
Four European organisations from Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain chose to work together with just the single aim to help volunteers get the recognition they deserve for their commitment, and at the same time to help organisations provide their volunteers with certificates and credentials that showcase their work, their skills and their newfound abilities.
While everywhere else on the website the project work should – and will – come first, this is just the right moment to shed a little light on the four project partners… because how else are you supposed to know what’s to be expected if you don’t know who it’s coming from?

The spanish association aldaima focusses on protecting and promoting the rights of vulnerable children, adolescents and young people. Aldaimas five priority key actions are: Family foster care placement; continuous Vocational Adult Training (for civil servants from the Social and Health sector) and Training workshops; Leisure and Participation Programme; Social and vocational insertion of teenagers and youth at risk of exclusion; Research on Gender, Childhood and Family.
The E-C-C Association for Interdisciplinary Consulting and Education from Austria coordinates the entire project activities. It is a non-profit association for interdisciplinary research, consulting and education. E-C-C experts, lecturers and trainers are specialised in managing and coordinating scientific cooperation and educational projects in European research and education programmes. ECC is registered member of various European research organisations, e.g. at the European Training Village (CEDEFOP), Euroscience and the European Association of Vocational Training Providers, and also of the Mediterranean Migration Network.
QUALED is a non-profit organization based in Slovakia, working in the field of adult and youth education. They focus in particular on the development, adaptation and innovation of creative and innovative educational products, methods and seminars. QUALED members and staff are are experts with professional background in
psychology and coaching, didactics and methodology of teaching, counselling and new media. Besides the core team, QUALED cooperates with diverse specialists in the fields of psychology, media, marketing and education.
The slovene Zaposlitveni Center GEA is a special model of social entrepreneurship that employs people with disabilities. Their mission is the provision of healthy food for the community combining the latest knowledge in the fields of nutrition sciences, biology and cognitive science. This serves as a basis for a “learning community” and for education in the field of nutrition and general health.
This project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme and runs by the Number: 2020-1-AT01-KA202-077990.

Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash